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Yuzuru Hanyu, il genio talentuoso del pattinaggio, Foto, Video, Interviste, Articoli

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CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 01:25     +1   -1

:cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay:

Grande Yuzu!!! GPF arriviamo!

E così finalmente quell'ansia che aleggiava fin da inizio stagione se n'è andata!! (anzi se devo essere onesta aleggiava già mesi prima, fin da quando abbiamo prenotato per Marsiglia) Non sapete che (quasi) sollievo, ora Yuzu cerca solo di non ammazzarti di 4Lz e 4T, 4S come ultimi elemento di salto che ti vogliamo tutto intero a Marsiglia, grazie!!! :yess: :yess:

Purtroppo oggi sono stata impegnata tutto il giorno a girare per la MaulottoCaverna, per cercare la povera Plume che si era persa mentre rimirava le statue del Divin Maulotto!! :uff: :uff: Quindi non sono riuscita a vedere nemmeno un video, per il mio commento riguardo il FS dovrete aspettare i prossimi giorni, in ogni caso contentissima!! :yay:

Vi lascio un po' di cose:

Q&A after FS at NHK Trophy 2016 with Yuzuru Hanyu

Q: This is the first time this season your score exceeded 300 points. What is your takeaway from this?

A: I think that finally, the base is in place. At Skate Canada, there wasn’t a base or anything like that; it wobbled and collapsed. This time I was able to skate with a completely different feeling.I was able to project towards the audience with my eyes, and I also feel that I have grown in my skating.

Q: About the fall on the second quad salchow

A: I landed it in the official practice, the success rate for the quad salchow is good. I want to look ahead to the GPF with confidence.

Q: You have qualified for the GPF on which your 4th straight victory hinges on.

A: I’m glad. To be honest, I had a bit of anxiety about it. As it had happened before that a mistake on the quad loop led to more mistakes. I’m glad I was able to practice.

Q: Do you think there is still room for improvement?

A: I’m not there yet in terms of expression, and also in the areas of skating skills, spins and jumps. I want to make my skating as if one can feel it breathe.

Q: At Skate Canada you had said that you felt 90% of regret and 10% of a sense of accomplishment. How do you feel about your performance here?

A: Probably 40% of regret, 40% of relief, and 20% of enjoyment.

Original article from Daily Sports Online [x]


Verbatim translation of Yuzuru’s victory interview right after the FS @ NHK cup
Original video:
Q: Congratulations for the consecutive victories at the NHK cup.
A: Thank you so much!
Q: When the result was announced, you looked relieved. How were you feeling?
A: Yes, I was quite nervous today, and I wanted to do a revenge against yesterday’s performance. I barely managed to land the Loop, but I think I still have a long way… no, it’s not ‘still’… ammm, yes, I do still have a lot to do, so I would like to make more efforts towards the next (competition).
Q: After the performance, you made a gesture that ‘it was so close’.
A: Well, when rethinking in a cool head, it wasn’t that close at all. My SP was ‘so close’, though. I will come back after making more practice.
Q: You have a FS with 4 quads, which is a very challenging programme. How do you review your entire programme?
A: It was my first time to fully rotate all 4 quads. Although I couldn’t add a triple (salchow) after the last 3A, having two 3As in the second half is quite exhausting physically. 3A is my weapon in terms of points and impression, so it was good in that sense.
Q: You had a new purple costume for the SP yesterday, and you changed some choreography for today’s FS. You have made several changes for this NHK cup; how do you look back the entire performances for the two days in total?
A: In terms of jumps, there are lots to be improved, and in terms of today’s FP I could have done lot better for spins and steps.
But more importantly, I was able to skate in very warm atmosphere as it is in Japan. I was able to see only the first rows during the SP, but during the FP I was able to look at the audience in far seats. It was a good step forward for the future.
Q: This time, you participated in the competition with your Japanese cohorts, and Mr. Tanaka won the third place.
A: Yes, I am truly happy. But for Mr. Hino, I am feeling ‘hey, com’on!’ (laughter).
Q: Were you enjoying the competition with them?
A: Yes, I was purely enjoying. I myself didn’t have any room in my heart before the FP, but I understood that Mr. Tanaka’s performance was excellent, based upon the audience reaction. Probably Keiji (Tanaka) didn’t notice but I was able to clap my hands for him when he was leaving (the ice). So, in that sense, I might have matured a little bit (laughter).
Q: So, you scored higher than 300 points, and you are going to the GPF. What are you aiming at?
A: I am indeed so relieved to be able to go to the Final, and I am glad that I managed to go beyond 300 points here in Japan again. I would like to make sure to prepare myself well and make efforts aiming at a good performance at the Final, too.
Q: Please give a message to the fans in Japan and in Sapporo.
A: Thank you so much (for all your cheering) today. I performed the SP as if I became a rock-star myself, thank you, and for the FP, I was able to feel the joy of skating in front of all of you. Thank you so much. I will continue doing my best, so please keep cheering for me. Thank you!

credit to Sophie Moroi


Qua si vede la diversa entrata del 3Lz rispetto SC!

Video intero confronto SC vs NHK

FP con commento CBC

Intervista con la CBC in eng

Yuzu pre gara

:stralol: :stralol:

Questa foto è magnifica!! :hearteyes:



CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 06:24     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Grazie e mille Spiccine!!!!

Allora tra poco più di mezz'ora c'è il Galà e sembra che verrà trasmesso su Eurosport Player come era previsto...( quindi solo in streaming, non in tv)!!! SIIIIIIIIIIIII
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 16:40     +1   -1

Ragazze care Notte stellata al Gala è stata eccezionale.
Esecuzione da brivido. Pelle d'oca.
Questo ragazzo è davvero una creatura soprannaturale. :applause:
Un concentrato di grazia e leggerezza.
Vi giuro che ho guardato tutto con la bocca aperta e lo sguardo inebetito. :ohlove:
Mi rammarico molto di non poterlo vedere a Marsiglia.

E il bis? Trasformista!!!
Incredibile! Che attore che istrione! Entra ed esce dal personaggio con una facilità estrema.
Arte e stop :yesyes:
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 17:43     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Concordo Lovely

E' stato qualcosa di incredibile.....davvero è una creatura magica......!!!

:imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 17:46     +1   -1

Anna Maria



Ma il 3A con i twizzles in uscita era presente anche in quello eseguito a Skate Canada?
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 17:50     +1   -1

Mi pare di no! Chiediamo alla mitica Blue
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 17:53     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


No, non c'era. Può darsi che fosse previsto, però avendo atterrato male il l salto non ha potuto farlo.
CAT_IMG Posted on 27/11/2016, 21:49     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Un pò di video usciti oggi

Let's go crazy con il commento della tv giapponese
Hope and Legacy con il commento della tv giapponese
Akiko's room con Yuzu,
Intervista a Yuzu, Keiji e Satoko durante il banchetto di chiusura
Akiko's room part 1
CAT_IMG Posted on 28/11/2016, 12:05     +1   -1

Ciao a tutte
Grazie sempre tutti i info
Ecco nuovo combo di Yuzu

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Per altro Yuzu dice che ha provato durante practice di EX per la prima volta e ci e' riuscito :udumb:
Ora ci sta pensando seriamente di inserire nella programma di prossima stagione.
Quindi.... Layout di prossima stagione sara'

4Lo 4S 3F/ 4Lo-3T 3A-2T 3A-lo-3F 3Lz???

Beh se si ferma qui e non va oltre con 4Lz o 4A sarei gia contenta

Inoltre ha dichiarato la sua intenzione di partecipare a 4CC per provare ghiaggio di OG 2018

Edited by Nymphea - 28/11/2016, 12:26
CAT_IMG Posted on 28/11/2016, 22:04     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Grazie e mille Nymphea!!!

No vabbè è ormai lo sappiamo...quello che mi impressiona e la facilità!!!! ( Per lui è più facile visto che è un edge jumper, cioè è meglio sui salti partiti dal filo, axel, loop e salchpw...)

Intervista con Shuzo Matsuoka....mi piacciono troppo le interviste con Shuzo....


CAT_IMG Posted on 29/11/2016, 01:08     +1   -1

salto velocissimo. Ps ovviamente sapevamo che vedere Nathan Chen da vicino avrebbe avuto i suoi effetti, e tempo due giorni eccolo già lì a provare dal nulla 4Lo-3T pure senza sforzo, come se lo facesse da sempre. :uff: :uff:

Traduzione intervista Keiji, Yuzu e Satoko con spiegazione dei termini Yuzuriani usati per il 4Lo!
credit to Karin Chen
Latest interview in the midst of the banquet.
Interviewer: Congratulations on your consecutive victory for the NHK Trophy.
Yuzu: Thank you
I: As expected of the absolute champion, you were really strong.
Y: No, I'm not there yet... I still have a lot to do.
(Review of NHK Trophy)
(Introduction of Nobu)
Nobu: Congratulations all of you! So today we have Satton (Satoko), Yuzu, and Keiji. Aw guys stop being so stiff, smile!
Everyone: Please take care of us.
N: So our first topic... The new generation of quads. So first I noticed Hanyu-senshu's 4Lo. You tried one in the SP and FS, how did they each feel?
Y: In the SP, the axis bent so I felt like I was close but I didn't make it. In the FS, I somehow managed, and I was able to make it flow after.
N: Has the feel become better from the other competitions?
Y: Yes, the consistency in practice has of course gone up, but I was ready to do it in the real thing, in a environment with nervousness.
N: In a press conference I remember you saying "I will do it with a shuu and land it with a paa. It feels like that, and I'm just like this."
Y: Yes (awkward)
N: Can you explain that more detailed?
Y: Well shuu... and paa. (2:52) (Points at the screen) That's the paa.
N: So with a shuu you can do a quad... The shuu is when you go onto the edge?
Y: No it's when I jump.
N: And when you land it's paa?
Y: Yes, I mean don't you get it?
N: No no.. we had this conversation before but I don't get it. Satoko, do you get it?
Satoko: Mmh... I think I kinda understand.
N: Oh! We have another genius here. What about you Keiji?
Keiji: I have no idea...
N: So compared to before I retired, there's many skaters who can do quads and there are some who try out new ones. Does it concern you?
Y: It does but it stimulates me to do better. Sometimes it makes me think "I'm still doing easy jumps"
N: What easy!? Those aren't easy...
Y: It gives me confidence to try new stuff.
N: And Keiji.. you tried 2 4S this time, although the first one you touched the ice. Are you planning on adding new kinds of quads?
K: Yes, to adapt with the new generation I want to do more (in each program) and add in terms of types too.
N: How about you, Yuzu? This season you added the 4Lo, but are you planning to add more?
Y: I'm not thinking about that now. I want to polish my skating with this organization I have right now. Towards next season, I'm just thinking I want to try out new things. In the end, it's not about whether I can jump or not, it's more about if I can add them to the song or not. If it's about technique I do have a certain confidence, so I want to try out little by little.
N: It (4Lo) was clean in your FS and there's still many important competitions this season, I hope you can land them well.
N: So let's go to another topic. The next topic is 巻き返し (comeback, catch-up).
(Part about Satoko)
N: What about you two? How do you change moods (from a unsatisfying SP to FS or a fall)?
Y: This time I fell in the second half of my FS and I fell on my first jump in my SP... In that way, I usually try to forget. I concentrate on what's next and I forget. When it goes well I even forget what I jumped (laughs)
N: Yes me too... I forget what I did when I fall... (Yuzu laughing) So next topic, same year (same age). So Keiji and Yuzu are of same age. Keiji, what do you think of Hanyu-senshu?
K: We've been together since Novice level, and at Jr level he suddenly went to the top and became unreachable. So being able to skate at the same competition this time. I want to keep this feeling of competition from now on.
N: How do you feel about this Yuzu? You've been laughing half of the time he was talking.
Y: I was just simply happy. There's this thing that we weren't in the same category since I went to senior level quite fast. So now I'm like "oh you're finally here", and he reached the podium fast too.
N: What do you think about each other's personality? Keiji, what do you think about Yuzu?
K: Sometimes he suddenly becomes high. (Yuzu laughing)
N: Can you tell us more about that?
K: There's too much to talk about. (laughs)
N: Any episode? Like when he sees tasty snacks? (11:38 Yuzu doing a funny expression to Nobu)
K: No, it's more like I can't keep up to his mood. He's too like happy and high sometimes. (Yuzu nodding)
N: Yuzu, do you know what he's talking about?
Y: Yes I think I know what he's talking about.
N: What about you Yuzu, what do you think of Keiji?
Y: He's like patient. Sometimes I start talking too much about something but he will still be there listening and nodding. He accepts whatever I say. (laughs)
(Sorry I will skip a bit. But overall, Keiji said when he sees Yuzu succeed, it motivates him to do more. And they showed a video of Yuzu clapping after Keiji's FS. And Yuzu said he was just purely happy for his friend even though he was nervous before his own turn.)
N: So finally, how do you (Satoko and Yuzu) feel about GPF? Any comments?
Y: we will try our best together (pointing Satoko) I know people have been discussing about a 4th consecutive title but I want to give all I have to do a satisfying performance so I can end with my best smile.


Video di Notte Stellata


Eccolo!! 3A+twizzles! :o:

Giusto un poco imbarazzati! :stralol:

Yuzu e la frustrazione per l'NHK! Dall'intervista con Shuzo Matsuoka












Non so che dicono, ma se la ridono parecchio! (Edit: trovata traduzione!, guardare sopra)

:stralol: :stralol:

Edited by Spiccine - 29/11/2016, 01:29
CAT_IMG Posted on 29/11/2016, 18:46     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Wow grazie e mille per il mega post Spiccine

Mi piacciono troppo le interviste con Shuzo, Yuzu è sempre così onesto!!!!
CAT_IMG Posted on 29/11/2016, 20:26     +1   -1

Advanced Member

Aiutante de La Fenice
Ogni luogo dove si trovi Dai-chan


Spiccine, quanto materiale, grazie!!! :embrace: :embrace: :embrace: :embrace:

E ti pareva che non avesse tutte le fanciulline intorno al banchetto? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ma quando Anna e Maria tornano in Russia, Evgenia le aspetta all'aeroporto e le mena??? :stralol: :stralol:

Ma come balla bene!!! Keiji e Satoko guardano lui invece del video :D Ma siamo sicuri che a Toronto si allena? Per me passa le serate in discoteca, altro che storie!!! :stralol:
CAT_IMG Posted on 30/11/2016, 20:25     +1   -1




Ecco qui lo SP dell'NHK con commento RAI: