La Fenice

Yuzuru Hanyu, il genio talentuoso del pattinaggio, Foto, Video, Interviste, Articoli

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Blue fire
CAT_IMG Posted on 21/10/2015, 20:47 by: Blue fire     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Grazie Rotelle l'ho ascoltato, dice cose interessanti!!!!

Articolo di Sportsnavi con intervista a Brian, Jeffrey e Shae-Lynn

Traduzione grazie a Yude dello Yuzuru Hanyu Forum. Credit to Yude for the translation on the Yuzuru Hanyu Forum

Brian Orser takes this season for Yuzuru as "end his boyhood and mature as a man".
"During this kind of period, we tend not to doubt that we are the leading roles in our lives and come to figure many things out by ourselves. I see that kind of awakening in Yuzuru".

Orser talks about Yuzuru's new program, "We made free program with Shae-Lynn Bourne, Yuzuru didn't hesitate to learn new style, and actually he is too young to stick to the one style. "SEIMEI" is very new to Yuzuru and will look fresh to the judges. It is going to be something draws his amazing side."

Orser accepts Yuzuru's positiveness to learn something new and attitude of thinking by himself and putting into an action. He respects Yuzuru's character and complies with his thoughts as much as possible. However, there is the thing he can't compromise, now it is "to keep Yuzuru healthy until the next Olympics".
"This season, Yuzuru won't participate in many competitions in Asia as he did in the last year. I'm relieved about it. He can do basic training far more than he did in the last season, which will lead to the consistent performances."

Shae-Lynn Bourne talks about free program.

"The more the relationship gets closer and the more connections with skaters, I feel I'm able to make better program. Last seaon, Yuzuru and I were full of knowing each other."

This is the second season, which enables them to work in more detailed choreography.
"I'd like to see him devoted to the role. This piece is only known as the soundtruck of a Japanese movie, he is able to explore the role more than when he uses famous piece. I also want him to broaden the capacity of the movements. Such as moves like stretching up or keeping low position, I want him to show the movements in high and low."

Buttle talks about short program.

Buttle added challenging steps for Yuzuru to skate on purpose.
"For his new subject, I added a lot of small changes like pattern of the steps and the entrances into the jumps. He needs a little difficult theme. Having theme like that, he can pull out the motivation toward the program this season, and it will help him by the end."
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