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Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir: The Best are Back, Foto, Video, Interviste, Articoli

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CAT_IMG Posted on 18/1/2018, 13:38     +1   +1   -1

Advanced Member



Non mi ricordo chi qualche post fà aveva chiesto cosa dicevano Tati e Max della loro relazione, prima di diventare "pubblici" ^_^
Bene, ho fatto un pò di ricerche ed ho trovato QUESTO articolo :shifty: :wub:
Giusto per fare un pò di storia, la coppia Yagudin-Totmianina (anche se loro non pattinavano insieme), ora sposata con figlie, parlava di amicizia fino ad un mese prima dell'annuncio della prima figlia...direi che abbiamo speranze! :stralol: :stralol: :stralol: :uff:
CAT_IMG Posted on 18/1/2018, 14:47     +1   +1   -1

Stellar 😂😂😂mi hai fatto morire 😂😂
CAT_IMG Posted on 18/1/2018, 20:10     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Stellar @ 18/1/2018, 13:38) 
Non mi ricordo chi qualche post fà aveva chiesto cosa dicevano Tati e Max della loro relazione, prima di diventare "pubblici" ^_^
Bene, ho fatto un pò di ricerche ed ho trovato QUESTO articolo :shifty: :wub:
Giusto per fare un pò di storia, la coppia Yagudin-Totmianina (anche se loro non pattinavano insieme), ora sposata con figlie, parlava di amicizia fino ad un mese prima dell'annuncio della prima figlia...direi che abbiamo speranze! :stralol: :stralol: :stralol: :uff:

Sono io!
Che ridere..devo dire che faccio veramente fatica a capire questo alone di mistero che aleggia sulle coppie di pattinaggio.
O meglio:posso capire che l'aspettativa che inevitabilmente si crea possa incidere negativamente sulle performance, ma tutto questo mistero è ridicolo.

Anna Cappellini (che non sopporto, ma non importa) e Luca hanno due matrimoni alla luce del sole, ad esempio.Diventa ridicolo quando due atleti di ormai quasi 30 anni non hanno mai un partner (quelle di Scott durano qualche mese non di più), hanno quel tipo di relazione che hanno loro e si ostinano a dire che sono solo amici.
CAT_IMG Posted on 18/1/2018, 20:51     +1   -1

Advanced Member



Eh lo só :uff:
Per quanto riguarda gli atleti russi credo che molto dipenda dal fatto che lì i pattinatori sono dei veri divi. Per tornare a Yagudin e Totmianina, sono addirittura dovuti andare in Siberia a sposarsi per evitare i reporter :unsure:
Per i babbei non saprei proprio :uff:
Comunque mi permetto di correggerti perché Scott è stato con la Dubè 4 anni, e ben 2 con l’iguana e la teiera...quindi direi storie abbastanza lunghe ^_^
Ed il fatto che io sappia queste cose spiega il mio lungo soggiorno in clinica :unsure: :uff: :neuro:
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 00:02     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Stellar @ 18/1/2018, 20:51) 
Eh lo só :uff:
Per quanto riguarda gli atleti russi credo che molto dipenda dal fatto che lì i pattinatori sono dei veri divi. Per tornare a Yagudin e Totmianina, sono addirittura dovuti andare in Siberia a sposarsi per evitare i reporter :unsure:
Per i babbei non saprei proprio :uff:
Comunque mi permetto di correggerti perché Scott è stato con la Dubè 4 anni, e ben 2 con l’iguana e la teiera...quindi direi storie abbastanza lunghe ^_^
Ed il fatto che io sappia queste cose spiega il mio lungo soggiorno in clinica :unsure: :uff: :neuro:

Hai ragione in effetti..è che io, è più forte di me, faccio davvero fatica a pensare a una relazione di 2 anni con Cassandra che si sarà vista si e no in una decina di foto (e poco dopo si è sposata e ha fatto un bambino!) o ancor peggio con la teira, con cui ricordo poco e ingessatissime foto (con anche Tessa presente).
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 08:53     +1   -1

Advanced Member



Hai ragione :stralol:
E concordo anche sul fatto che comportarsi come loro, e poi andare a dire di essere un po’ più di questo e un po’ meno di quello...beh si inizia a sfiorare il ridicolo a 30 anni :blabla: :uff:
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 14:51     +1   -1

Io comunque credo di pensare come Blossom 3-4 anni fa (ai tempi della teiera).
Secondo me Tessa e Scott non stanno insieme, si corteggiano sul ghiaccio, sono sicuramente fatti l'uno per l'altra (perché quello che hanno vissuto insieme è unico) e io spero tanto che ne abbiano preso consapevolezza o che comunque la prendano a breve!
Ecco qui il mio pensiero finalmente formulato con un po' di calma 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Tolto questo vi auguro una buonagiornata in attesa di news!
Elena Marini
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 16:14     +1   -1

Ciao sto leggendo da un po’...adoro scott e tessa e Carolina Kostner...e anche io mi sto chiedendo da un po’ se Scott e Tessa stanno davvero insieme nella vita... ho cercato ovunque su internet qualsiasi indizio recente, ma non si trova nulla ... a parte voi ! 😊😂mi avete aperto un mondo con le vostre notizie... siete il top è super aggiornate...qualcuna di voi ha parlato anche di un blog sulla vecchia storia di scott con jessica dube non ci ho capito nulla....è contro Tessa questo blog? Di cosa parla?

CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 18:27     +1   +1   -1

Benvenute a tutte :flowers:
sono felice di vedere che il periodo di gare porta sempre nuove pazienti in questa wubbosa clinica!!

Purtroppo ora non ho molto tempo di commentare per bene tutto quello che è successo in questi giorni, compresa la meravigliosa notizia dei portabandieri! Lo farò, portate solo pazienza quale giorno :)

Quello che ci tenevo a dirvi però è un'altra cosa, e riguarda la sfera privata di Tessa e Scott.....non credo di parlare solo da parte mia e spero che nessuno si arrabbierà per quello che sto avrei una richiesta da fare, che è la seguente:

In questo bel forum in tante abbiamo passato momenti belli e brutti, teatrinosi e wubbosi, e da ormai quasi 3 anni, viviamo Tessa e Scott immersi nel wub e nella loro bolla, con tanti tanti cambiamenti rispetto agli anni passati. Ovviamente ognuno ha la sua idea ed è giusto che sia così e che se ne discuta :) quello che dico è, possiamo farlo almeno sotto spoiler? :) così lasciamo al wub lo spazio che merita, perché sarebbe davvero un peccato perdersi in ricordi teatrinosi quando abbiamo da commentare una marea di cose che abbiamo sempre desiderato di vedere e che finalmente ci sono, a riprova della loro felicità nell'essere semplicemente liberi di wubbare quanto vogliono :wub:
Godiamoci tutto questo, godiamoci questa olimpiade e godiamoci i Tessa e Scott felici che vediamo giorno dopo giorno!! Tutto quello che è stato è passato...forse vero forse no, ma passato...e come loro, anche noi possiamo semplicemente gioire ed emozionarci per tutto ciò che vediamo ora, compreso il loro rapporto sempre più unico e speciale!

Poi saranno loro, se vorranno, a chiarire tutto una volta per tutte...per questo dobbiamo solo aspettare :wub:

Spero che nessuno prendi questo post come un rimprovero, qui siamo tutti qui per sostenere i nostri ragazzi, quindi tutte dalla stessa parte ;) un abbraccio e buon wub a tutte :flowers:
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 18:30     +1   -1


Aiutante de La Fenice
da oltre....


Ciao Carpe Diem!! Benvenuta!! :embrace: :embrace: :embrace:

Skating, per me va più che bene!!!

Edited by Blue fire - 19/1/2018, 19:11
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 18:44     +1   -1

Aiutante de La Fenice


Benvenuta Carpe Diem! :flowers: Sei nel posto giusto, la clinica :neuro: è aperta a tutti :ihihih: :neuro2:
Devo però invitarti a lasciare una tua presentazione QUI ^_^

Ti rispondo sotto spoiler:
Per riassumere il fatto del blog, per certi verso te lo sconsiglio fortemente, credimi sulla parola se ti dico che le informazioni di cui hai bisogno le trovi tranquillamente tra le (tante) pagine di questo 3D ;)
Il blog nasce per "denunciare" il fatto che TS mentissero sulla loro relazione quindi il tono è decisamente contro TS, ponendoli in una luce molto negativa, dipingendoli come esseri meschini. Personalmente credo la blogger si sbaglia molto. Comunque puoi leggere cosa penso di tutto nelle 2 pagine precedenti.

E poi direi una cosa, ormai la situazione è molto molto diversa, dovremmo semplicemente goderci quest'ultimo mese della loro carriera e wubbare a non finire per tutte le cose belle che stiamo avendo ;)

Skating, ovviamente quoto tutto ^_^
Che ne dite? Torniamo a wubbare un po'?? ^_^
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 19:05     +1   -1

Benvenuta Carpe Diem :welc:

Si Ice wubbiamo da qui fino alle Olimpiadi anche perché in questo periodo abbiamo quasi tutti i giorni notizie di loro anche attraverso i sponsor che hanno in questa stagione che rilasciano video e foto stupende di Tessa e Scott :hearteyes:
CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 21:00     +1   -1

Aiutante de La Fenice


Beeeene continuiamo con le wubbosità.... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Ho finalmente unito le stories di Tessa ;)


Clips annuncio Portabandiera: 1 2 3 4 5 6



Guardate che belle le magliette fatte dalla family per supportarli! :hearteyes:

@IldertonSkating: Let’s show the world who we are cheering for!! The final edition of the Virtue Moir shirts are here!


It was in an Ilderton Ont., community arena that a nine-year-old Scott Moir and seven-year-old Tessa Virtue would first meet, give into their butterflies and date for one month.

Even though the dynamic duo’s puppy love would quickly wither, they would remain inseparable, earning the responsibility of carrying the Canadian flag into the 2018 Olympic opening ceremony.

Pegged as “hometown heroes” the duo’s figure skating victories are plastered across the walls of the southwestern Ontario arena — where Moir’s aunt Carol Moir, first paired the two together as their former coach.
“There was just something about them, something special. It’s the glide to their skating, the musicality, how they treated each other and how hard they worked. Everything,” she said.



Team Canada / Équipe Canada: Après 20 ans de carrière, Tessa Virtue et Scott Moir célèbreront leur partenariat en grand en tant que porte-drapeaux d’#ÉquipeCanada à #PyeongChang2018. 🇨🇦⛸🙌

Pubblicità per la Visa.... AMOOOOOOOOO :hearteyes: :hearteyes: :hearteyes: :hearteyes: :hearteyes: :hearteyes:


Trailer del documentario "Pushing the Limits" sugli incroci tra sport.


Q&A: Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir on their careers and chemistry
Olympic flag-bearers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir talk about putting down their beers, returning to competition, and Canada’s chances in Pyeongchang
Kristina Rutherford, Sportsnet (January 17, 2018 )

Ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir are Canada’s flag bearers at the upcoming Olympics in Pyeongchang. Sportsnet recently caught up with the duo, who thought they were calling it a career after winning silver in Sochi four years ago. Virtue, 28, and Moir, 30, talk about their change of heart, the comeback, and Canada’s chances in South Korea.

SPORTSNET: You’re back.
MOIR: We’re back.

That was the expectation, maybe?
M: [Laughs.]

VIRTUE: No, actually.

Really? You weren’t planning to compete in Pyeongchang? Not even in the back of your minds?
V: No, I think in Sochi we truly believed that was it — and we were comfortable with that. We were happy with our performances; we were content with our experience.

M: Absolutely.

V: We thought… [Both start laughing.]

V: We thought that we felt good about wrapping up our careers there. It didn’t take long for us to figure out we missed having that purpose, that we missed having a goal to be striving towards. And also, just imagining the 2018 Olympics and not being there was a struggle. It didn’t feel right.

The idea of watching and not skating.
M: Yeah. Not marching in the opening ceremony, not being a part of this really great and close Canadian team — it really is a family. We couldn’t imagine not being a family.

There was a lot of talk that you should’ve won gold in Sochi, that you got ripped off. Did that have anything to do with your decision to come back?
M: You know what’s funny? Not really.

V: Our coaches asked us [the same question] when we wanted to come back. They were, I think, worried that there was some bitterness or resentment, and there really, truly is not.

M: I don’t think revenge is enough to fuel the fire it takes to go to an Olympic Games and be successful. What we want out of these Games is very different than in both of our previous Games. We talk about how special our Sochi Olympics were — it’s really honest and it’s true. In many ways those Games mean a lot more to us than the Vancouver ones did. The colour of the medal is one thing but we’re super proud of our performances. And that silver for us is something that we’re extremely proud of in our careers. I don’t feel like there’s any bitterness, or we want to come back to get that gold back. It’s more just like, there’s another chance at gold and we want to be there, and we’re going to go and give our all again.

V: It’s more about seeing what we’re capable of. That’s what’s driving us at this point: seeing where we can take our skating and how we can approach things differently.

Once you decided you were going to come back, did you celebrate?
M: No it was like, ‘Oh shit, we have a lot of work to do.’ It was exciting and daunting at the same time.

V: I put my beer down. [Laughs.]

M: We were quite nervous to make a comeback and we knew that ice dancing was taking a couple steps forward. We were excited by the challenge and it was also a little bit terrifying. I think we really felt that pressure, especially last fall when we first came back and started competing again. We wanted to prove to everybody that we weren’t the same old Tessa and Scott, trying to do the same tricks again. We wanted to be different. That challenge is what we really came back for.

How has your skating style changed since Sochi?
M: We spent a lot of time trying to rework some technical things on the ice. Our passion still shows through in a similar way, I think. We’re trying to push ourselves and grow. We knew the athletes we were in 2010 and the athletes that we were in 2014 are just not good enough anymore.

Since the last Games, you moved to Montreal to train with a new coach.
M: Yes. It’s working out great. We love our team in Montreal. Patrice [Lauzon] and Marie-France [Dubreuil] were a team we looked up to when we were growing up, and we developed this friendship, and now they’re in kind of this mentor-coaching role, which is so motivating. What we have off the ice in Montreal is our B2ten team, and I think that’s our biggest advantage. [B2ten is an organization that supports many of Canada’s top amateur athletes through donations from the private sector]. They take care of all of our off-ice needs. We have an off-ice mental coach, we have a trainer, we have an osteopath, and they all talk to each other and that is such a big tool for us.

You two have been skating together for…
M: 40 years!

Most relationships don’t last that long. What’s your secret?
M: [Laughs.]

V: When we were really young, one of first coaches did a lot of work with us to build the foundation of our partnership. And now we can reflect on that time and we’re so grateful for that because we really built our partnership on a lot of respect and trust. We’re still working on it, we still do a lot of work to improve our communication, our efficiency together, to understand one another’s different preferences. It’s evolved over the course of two decades, for sure. Having spent so much time together, we realize it’s a unique dynamic but we’re so appreciative of what we have. It’s a special partnership. We still really enjoy skating together and I think that’s why we still are.

A lot of people think you’re married.
M: Yeah. Maybe that means we’re doing our job? We’re always telling stories, we’re supposed to be reacting, a man and woman on the ice, it’s romantic. What we have is such a cool relationship. It’s more about a friendship, our working relationship is so strong. We take so much pride in that.

V: It comes with the territory and that’s part of the storytelling we do on the ice. If that’s the by-product of having a great longstanding partnership, then we can deal with it.

When you first met, how quickly did the on-ice chemistry develop?
V: I mean, I was seven, so probably not that quick.

M: Yeah, took about 10 years. It’s funny to look back—Tessa was seven and I was nine. I remember there wasn’t a lot of talking at the beginning. We were terrified to hold hands for quite a while.

V: I’m not sure that anyone saw any potential in us really, they just thought it was cute that we were the same height.

M: I think they were laughing at us more than anything.

V: We couldn’t see over the boards and we’d do our little dances.

M: It was more entertaining for them than it was for us. And then eventually we fell in love with the sport and skating with each other and that grew. It was very organic. It wasn’t a lightning in a bottle situation. Boom, they’re great! Not quite. We were pretty bad.

When did you realize you were good?
V: It was about a month before the Vancouver Games when I thought, “Oh we could do this! We could really do this.” I was a little late to the party.

M: [Laughs.] Just a little.

V: We moved away from home when I was 13 and Scott was 15, so obviously that was to pursue something. And we thought maybe we wanted to strive for more.

Scott, let’s hear your scouting report on Tessa.
M: Top of the list would have a little star and it would say, “Brilliant.” She’s creative, from the beginning of time. She can move like nobody I’ve ever seen. She’s very, very selfless; she’s a people pleaser. But my favourite things I think have really just gotten even better in the last couple of years and that’s her drive, that’s her commitment to being an athlete. I mean, this is gonna be a long scouting report, we’re going to have to type through a lot of pages.

V: [Laughs.]

M: I’m motivated every single day to go to the rink because of what she brings. I know that she brings her best every day. With brilliant people, with being so creative, it’s hard to imagine you’d just be so steady. That last thing, that’s the consistency.

That’s a tough act to follow. Tessa, let’s hear your report on Scott.
V: It is a tough act to follow, for sure. As I’m hearing him talk through some of the things I’m realizing why our partnership works, because we both think the world of one another. Scott is the most disciplined, driven athlete I’ve ever met. There’s a fierce competitor deep within and the passion and the raw talent that is there — the ability to move and hear music and interpret it — is unlike anyone else I’ve ever seen on the ice. And I think because he wears his heart on his sleeve people feel so drawn in and captivated by his performances. He’s generous, thoughtful and extremely insightful. He’s able to understand the glide of the blade differently.

Those were really good. You two have managed to really capture this country’s imagination. How have you done that?
M: That’s a big compliment.

V: I think that’s the beauty of the Olympics. There’s always a story. There’s always someone you’re invested in. There are so many Olympic moments that resonate with people all across Canada, and I think that’s the beauty of it. We’re just one of those stories and we’re grateful for the support we’ve received.

M: Oh yeah.

V: But we know that as soon as our competition is done there’s another Canadian taking their place at the starting line or waiting to race. I think that’s what’s so powerful is that we’re just part of something bigger than us.

And this is a strong Canadian team.
M: Very strong.

V: Very strong team.

Who are some of teammates you’re excited about?
M: In figure skating, especially?

You can talk about luge if you want…
M: I’m going to know a bit more about figure skating. [Laughs.] It’s so much fun for us to be kind of veterans on this team because the talent, especially the young talent, is so promising. We’ve seen a lot of these young skaters kind of grow up and mature and we’re just so proud of them. Especially with what’s happening in women’s skating with Kaetlyn [Osmond] and Gabby [Daleman] and Alaine [Chartrand].

V: It’s true, yeah.

M: I’m getting goosebumps to know what they did [in 2017] and how special [2018] is going to be for them. I think that’s one of the coolest stories about our team and I can’t wait to see — I think we’ve only scratched the surface of what these young ladies are capable of. I really can’t wait to see what happens in 2018.

How about for you two: Will this be your last Olympics?
M: I’d say there’s a pretty good chance that this is the end.

V: There’s a pretty good chance, yes. Imagine I was like, “What? No!” [Fake cries.]

M: [Laughs.] It’s done, it’s over. No, that’s a decision that we’ll make after the Olympics. That’s one thing that our experience has taught us is that you don’t really know, and it’s a feeling. Right now, we’re just excited and focused on this experience ahead. Being so fortunate to have another opportunity, we just can’t wait.

CAT_IMG Posted on 19/1/2018, 22:28     +1   -1

Aiutante de La Fenice


Live video su insta di Sam un paio di ore fa ^_^


CAT_IMG Posted on 20/1/2018, 15:50     +1   -1

L'intervista mi è piaciuta molto:penso stiano andando alle Olimpiadi con il giusto spirito.
Indipendentemente da come andrà quello che loro portano è la passione per lo sport e per l'arte, e questo va oltre qualsiasi medaglia.
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